The Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP is the best business management tool based on the innovation of strategic organizational approaches, with the aim of integrating and optimizing the productive capacities of SMEs located within the territory of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Duero-Douro. For all the companies in the target territory, it is absolutely necessary to innovate in the organisational and productive methods, and in all the dimensions of the economic activity that they carry out. The survival of these companies depends, today more than ever, on adapting to change and taking advantage of opportunities to access international markets.
The territory that integrates the EGTC Duero-Douro is totally rural. This feature adds even more difficulties to the growth of enterprises and the creation of high quality employment. Local companies find a set of impediments that weaken and sometimes thwart their activities, among others:
- The products and producers are unknown.
- The wholesale is carried out, which implies a loss of territorial capital and added value of local products.
- The promotion of the products is inadequate, in local and regional markets or to intermediaries wholesalers.
- The business fabric is overly fragmented.
- There is a weak articulation between tourism and agriculture of products such as wine and olive oil.
- The supply is very dispersed, which makes it difficult to market the products.
- The agricultural sector is predominant, especially in the Douro region.
- Technological innovation and the development and use of ICTs are scarce.
- No production orientated towards foreign markets, except wine.
- Reduced and mature local markets, with no growth.
- Activities of submerged economy.
- Scarce entrepreneurship and difficulties in accessing funding.
- Isolation.
The Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP was born with the purpose of overcoming all the mentioned obstacles. By implementing a common resource platform based on the use of state-of-the-art technological resources and training in strategic and organizational capacities, a direct impact will be placed on the issues affecting the productive fabric of the Duero-Douro EGTC.
The main objective of e-DOURO_EXP is to create a new Strategic-Organizational Model for business management based on permanent innovation, improvement of organizational management, promotion of business cooperation and orientation towards the foreign market, fully adapted to the needs of SMEs located in the Duero-Douro EGTC.
Business cooperation is a very important strategic option to introduce innovations in the management of companies. It is a fundamental strategy on which to plan actions to produce innovations of all kinds, allowing the company to remain in the market with an advantageous position regarding to other competitors, unfair competition, substitute products, suppliers and customers. The Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP proposes to innovate in business management, promoting the following skills and attitudes among entrepreneurs in the Duero-Douro EGTC:
- Cooperate and work together with other companies.
- Monitor the environment for information on changes relevant to the company's activities.
- Develop new products by applying advanced organizational management tools.
- Facilitate internal and external communication in the company.
- Market products and services.
- Use methods that allow more direct contact with the client.
- Combat the unemployment of the resident population.
- Encourage entrepreneurial attitudes and business creation.
- Outbreak of undeclared economic activities.
- Direct production towards foreign markets.
In the territory of the Duero-Douro EGTC, the agri-food and tourism sectors are essential for the development of rural territories, as they contribute directly to the creation and maintenance of employment in these areas, as well as to the innovative and sustainable use of rural environment. They are key drivers for growth and local employment.
The Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP will associate local products with an image of quality, reinforcing its territorial link, so that agri-food products and tourism products become a sign of identity for the rural territories that make up the Douro EGTC -Dream. To this end, we want to strengthen the viability, sustainability and competitiveness of the different links of the different production chains, integrated by small and medium producers through multiple collaborative strategies, so that they can be competitive in the management of processes and logistical costs, with a clear orientation towards export and introduction into foreign markets.
The expected duration of the project is 30 months.