Strategic and Operational Plan for the international projection of the Duero-Douro Brand and the groupings of SMEs located in the Duero-Douro EGTC territory.
Description of the activity
The activities of internationalization and export of SMEs in the Duero-Douro EGTC territory under the Duero-Douro brand must be regulated according to an Accession Convention in which minimum quality and operational capacity are required.
In order to guarantee the beneficial effects of the inclusion of SMEs within the Duero-Douro Brand, the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP must be endowed with the following elements:
– a Duero-Douro Brand Management and Certification Body.
– a Plan of Investment and Preferential Exports for the selection of priority investment and export areas worldwide.
– an International Collaborative Strategy with regions of the world related to the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP.
Action 1: Creation of the Duero-Douro Brand Management and Certification Body
In order to include the business groups of the Duero-Douro EGTC territory within the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP and allow the commercial use of the Duero-Douro Brand in the internationalization and export activities, the following conditions must be fulfilled :
- Signing of the Accession Convention
- Membership Requirements
- Regulation
- Statutes
- Terms and Conditions for product quality
- Tenders
In order to comply with these conditions, the Duero-Douro Brand Management and Certification Body must be created, which is responsible for validating all actions under the Duero-Douro Brand.
Action 2: Creation of the Investment and Preferential Export Plan (IPEP) for the selection of priority investment and export areas worldwide.
In order to open up abroad and increase exports in the most likely areas of success, the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP foresees the creation of the Investment and Preferential Export Plan for the selection of priority investment and export areas worldwide.
This Investment Plan is necessary to prioritize those areas of the world where companies operating within the e-DOURO_EXP Model have better prospects for growth and fruitful results. In order to establish the best internationalization strategy, it is necessary to know first the country where you wish to invest, as well as the resources available to SMEs of a legal, administrative, economic and socio-cultural nature.
Action 3: Elaboration of the International Collaborative Strategy with the world's regions related to the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP.
The Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP is oriented towards the collaborative strategies to increase the competitiveness of companies in the Duero-Douro EGTC territory. The international approach of the Model should therefore investigate and elaborate an International Collaborative Strategy with regions of the world that are in the interests of the Strategic-Organizational Model e-DOURO_EXP.
In order to consolidate and ensure long-term growth, business clusters located within the territory of the Duero-Douro EGTC should not only establish cooperative strategies among themselves, but should also establish partnerships with other business groups from other partner countries the objectives of growth and export in the long term.
Therefore, to develop an International Collaborative Strategy with other business groups and territories is a key element for sustaining the cooperative / competitive advantages that occur during the execution of business agreements of SMEs located within the territory of the Duero-Douro EGTC